October 14, 2007

Free stuff!

This would be the official link to the recipe contest going on over here...

Here's how to play: email at heymrlady [at] gmail [dot] com or post in the comments a favorite holiday recipe. Hell, you could submit a regular old recipe for all I care. I'm going to pick my favorite one every month and cook it. The first Saturday of the month will be Rate the Hate the Let Them Judge YOU edition. And the winning recipe? Will TOTALLY GET A PRIZE. A kitchen prize. A sweet kitchen prize. And maybe, just maybe, if we can keep this going for a year, if enough people play along, maybe I could throw all the winning recipes together into a little cookbook or calender or something.

This is a audience participation sort of thing, so spread the word. Tell your friends. Seriously, the prizes will ROCK YOUR WORLD.

October's entries so far:

The Retropolitan entered Retro's Mexican Chili. No surprise. He's hot; so is his chili.
Molly entered Molly's Amazingly Rich Pumpkin Mashed Potatoes. I have heard tales in far off lands of these potatoes. I think there are a few odes to them out there.
Ducks Mahal submitted his version of Maque Choux, which he has cleverly re-named Maque Choux #2. It goes in a rice bowl. He's singing my song.
Katharine submitted Black Bottom Pie, which she borrowed from Martha. If I know anything, it's that Kathy steals the very best recipes. I had a scandalous one-night-stand with this apple pie she made one Christmas.
Andy entered a Krispy Kream bread pudding recipe he got from Food & Wine magazine. Which sounds like a contradiction. But also sounds freaking awesome.

See, that's not so bad. There's plenty of room for other recipes. Play along, if you dare...you've 18 more days to enter!
